Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Little Things

This was the view out my back door a few mornings ago.  I'm not usually this.... 'touch-feely'... but something about this reminds me to slow down - enjoy the view - take it all in - look for it.  Sometimes we just get too busy to "see" what really is all around us - people, nature, sights, sounds, smells, moments.  These things are always there - but how often do we let them just pass us by?

It's the little things that really do matter - and if you think about it - our lives are filled with little things.  I want to get better at making those little things more important.

"Faithfulness to the little things will help us to grow in love.  
We have all been given a lighted lamp and it is for us to keep it burning.  
We can keep it burning only if we keep on pouring oil inside.  
That oil comes from our acts of love" ~ Mother Teresa

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