Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Portrait of a Senior ~ Miranda ~ Part 1

This senior session was a little bittersweet for me - Bitter because I've known Miranda since she was born.  Her family and mine were very close when I was growing up.  It's crazy to think she can actually be graduating this year (not to mention how old it makes me feel!).  But very very sweet - cause we had a lot of fun and I'm soooo glad I got the honor of being the photographer for her senior pictures!

Thanks Miranda for letting me use you as my model for a MARATHON senior session -- and best wishes to you as you graduate and go out there in the big world -- lots of good things await you!

This post includes the shots we took in the field at my home.  Oh, how I love this field ;)  But there are lots more really fun shots (a few more out in the boondocks -- but some really cool urban shots, too) - I'll save those for some future posts!

Miranda -- you look soooo grown up in these photos

Rockin' the shot here -- SASSY!!

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